It all started with the release of this book, The Indigo Children, which identified the traits and characteristics of some special children.
Jan Tober saw that they had indigo auras and thus the term was born.
Many of the children were not fitting in at all well at school, being classified as learning disabled, when in fact they had a new way of thinking that challenged and continues to challenge mainstream society.
A few enlightened teachers and parents, concerned at the medicalization of the behaviour - the last decade or so saw an explosion in ADHD medication. The "soma" of George Orwell's book 1984, perhaps...

Doreen Virtue, well known author and producer of the Angel Oracle cards also wrote a series of books about Indigo Children, Crystal Children and Rainbow Children.
Over the coming weeks and months, I hope to reconstruct many of the links from memory about Indigo children and perhaps include a page for practitioners who care about and provide alternative therapies, education and services for Indigos, parents and teachers.